
Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Busy but Wonderful Saturday in Canton

Not only is Canton, Ohio home to the Smiths, but it is also home to the Pro Football Hall of Fame (HOF).  Cantonites can feel it in their bones as HOF week approaches.  And if they don't, the crazy traffic will give it away in a hurry.  R.T. and I don't typically get too involved with the festivities like some, but we generally go see the fireworks and occaisionally the Grand Parade.  We missed the fireworks because they changed the day but decided to get up early Saturday morning and head toward Cleveland Avenue for the parade.  People camp out the night before so they can get the spot they want.  HOF week is serious business in Canton. When we strolled into the packed crowd at ten minutes prior to the start of the parade, we were able to find a patch of concrete just big enough to roll out our blanket with our friends Becca and Jason.  The lady sitting next to us had been there since 4am so we considered ourselves lucky. 

The local tradition is to get doughnuts at Dunkin Doughnuts or Mary Ann's and eat them in mass as you wait for the parade to roll by.  As much as I enjoy a chocolate covered cream stick, doughnuts are not in my plan these days.  So, the night before the parade, I made a better breakfast to take with us.  I brewed and refridgerated a pot of coffee that Becca and I used for sugarfree hazelnut iced coffees.  I also tweaked a lemon poppyseed loaf recipe by using wheat flour, splenda, skim milk and greek yogurt.  That't not all... I threw in a bunch of frozen handpicked blueberries and they were soooo juicy and delicious in the lemon poppyseed loaf, I could hardly stand it!  With a sweet and creamy iced coffee, it was better than a doughnut. 

After the parade, I had a back to school picnic and it was great to see my teaching partners and a good chance to meet the incoming 7th and 8th graders and their families.  Even my wonderful students from last year who are now moving on to high school came back for the second annual picnic!  I took a taco dip that was way easy and a big hit.  I mixed two packages of low fat cream cheese and a cup of fat free sour cream with two packages of low sodium taso seasoning then topped it with shredded lettuce, black beans, corn and some shredded cheddar cheese.  Yum! 

Of course, after a day of seemingly non stop eating as described above, I felt the need to go on a run.  I hate to run!  I blame it on junior high sports coaches who made us run for every mistake.  But I know it's good for me and even though I am consistent with other types of cardio, I try to run at least once every week or two, if even for a short time. Alas, it was a cool evening so I ran down to the McKinley Monument, did four sets of the steps and the quarter mile loop, then ran back to the track.  I was feeling pretty good after that so I decided to push myself to make it a total of 45 minutes of non stop running which I did... and then ran for five more minutes.  50 minutes of running!  Definitely a personal record!

And now for the best part of my day.  I came inside from playing in the yard with the pugs and went upstaris to take a shower.  The bathroom lights were off but there were candles everywhere, relaxing music was playing, there was a bubble bath in the tub and a note hanging over the side: "I'm so proud of you!  Time to relax!  Love you, R.T." 

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